Martinez v. Petaluma
$500,000 wage and hour settlement involving hospital in Sonoma County
Confidential v. Confidential
$400,000 resolution of individual discrimination and harassment case on behalf of transgender individual
McGimpsey v. St. Joseph's
$1,750,000 wage and hour settlement involving hospital in Orange County
Confidential v Confidential
Wage and hour claim on behalf of auto sales personnel involving underpayment of commission income
Ababa v. Promise, Consolidated with McGimpsey and other cases; wage and hour case which has been resolved for $5,000,000.00 (with final approval motion granted in November of 2017).
Chan v. PCNA,
nationwide settlement of consumer case filed in federal district court in New Jersey, involving glare defect in Porsche windshields, involving 150,000 class members, with the settlement valued at a minimum of $7,500,000.
Herremans v. BMW
The nationwide settlement of this case was granted final approval in November of 2016. Expert testimony established that the value of the settlement was $4,584,765.34 to $6,728,768.83.
Sharma v. BMW and Catalano v. BMW
Nationwide settlement of these cases filed in California and New York, was approved in July of 2017. Case involved design defect where sensitive electronic components were located in vehicle trunk compartments and subjected to damage by water intrusion, with the settlement making in excess of $400,000,000.00 in benefits available to class members.
Bacon v. County of Los Angeles: class action filed against the County of Los Angeles for failure to pay statutorily prescribed interest; the trial court ultimately granted final approval to a settlement of approximately 40 million dollars; Mr. Harris was Class Counsel on this case, and devoted 12 years to the work necessary to obtain a favorable resolution. This included fighting off pleading challenges, and two summary judgment motions, filing two class certification motions, successfully appealing denial of class certification and prevailing on the vast majority of legal theories raised at the trial of the test cases. The work also included fighting off challenges to the theories of the case in the California legislature.
Clark v. First Union: case asserted financial advisors were misclassified as exempt; settled, along with other related litigation, for 39 million dollars; prior to the resolution, Mr. Harris was able to successfully challenge an initial order that the case be resolved in arbitration. See, related court of appeal opinion, Clark v. First Union, 153 Cal.App.4th 1595 (2007) [upholding trial court's denial (upon reconsideration) of arbitration decision].
Marsikyan v. Mercedes: consumer class action case which settled on a nationwide basis and was finally approved in May of 2010.
Eisen v. Prosche: consumer class action against Porsche; settled on a classwide basis and finally approved by the court in January of 2014.
Perez v. Lewis, Marenstein: wage-and-hour case on behalf of a class of 60 employees; settled for $750,000.
Lewis v. The Gamekeeper, LLC: wage-and-hour class action resolved for $970,000.
Smith v. Oceanview Wireless: wage-and-hour class action relating to wage deductions.
Plaintiffs [confidential] v. Defendant [confidential]: case asserting meal and rest break claims on behalf of security guards; settled for a seven-figure amount.
Trauth v. Spearmint Rhino and Omlor v. Spearmint Rhino: related class action litigation against Spearmint Rhino; settlement of approximately $12 million (also containing injunctive relief provisions).
Doushkees v. Ruchel Enterprises: case seeking relocation benefits on behalf of elderly residents of the Pasadena Manor; $300,000 settlement.
Narouz v. Charter Communications, 591 F.3d 1261 (9th Cir. 2010) Appellate decision reversing denial of preliminary approval and announcing that Ninth Circuit adopts the rule that appeal of denial of certification is not rendered moot by settlement of plaintiff's individual claim if plaintiff maintains a stake in the litigation.
Pacific Shore Funding v. Lozo, 138 Cal.App.4th 1342 (2006) California appellate decision of first impression finding that a refinance does not negate a borrowers right to rescind under the federal Truth in Lending Act.
Mitchell v. Union Central, 118 Cal.App.4th 1331 (2004) Reversing summary judgment in wrongful termination and discrimination case on ground that release in workers compensation settlement did not bar separately pending civil action.
Reager v. First Union: NASD arbitration of wrongful termination claim of broker; award by a panel of three arbitrators of over $500,000, including $400,000 in punitive damages.
Blaney v. Data Line: Claim for commissions by officer of Data Line; jury verdict of $2,900,000 (case later settled for confidential amount).